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15 Reasons Why Your Kids Should Play Badminton (Benefits)

Sports and outdoor activities are definitely helpful for the all-around development of children. But, does badminton have any special benefits for kids? Let’s explore them here.

These are 15 reasons why your kids should play badminton.

1. Health Benefits

Badminton is an excellent all-around exercise that involves the whole body. There is ample running, jumping, and swinging, which actively utilizes all the major muscle groups. Consistently playing badminton can improve metabolism, as well as build stamina. All this is increasingly important as technology, and video games are keeping children glued to the screens and devoid of exercise.

2. A safe and low impact game

Badminton is a low-impact sport, which makes it quite safe for kids to play. There is no hitting or pushing or any direct contact with other players. Therefore, this reduces the chances of accidents and injuries that usually occur while playing sports like say, football or basketball, which are rougher games to play.

Some common types of injuries are ankle sprains and muscle sprains, which, again, are relatively rare. Most injuries in badminton are avoidable if proper precautions are taken, such as doing appropriate warm-ups, using adequate footwork, and having the right gear.

3. Competition

Badminton can be a highly competitive sport, and players have to encounter both winning and losing. Therefore, your child will learn how to handle failures. Kids will learn how to assess themselves, learn about their weaknesses as well as strengths, and figure out ways to improve them. The self-development and confidence-building that is promoted when playing badminton can help kids to handle real-life situations better, and cope with failure.

4. Socialization skills

Badminton is an excellent platform to help your kid make friends and learn special skills. While doing sports, kids find other children with similar interests, which allows them to develop good friendships. They will also encounter and learn how to deal with different types of people. As a result, children will develop life skills such as communication, teamwork, etc., which are crucial to their success in life.

5. Minimal Equipment

Badminton can be quite practical; it requires minimal equipment to get started. All you need is a racquet and shuttlecock. While a badminton court is necessary to play a proper game, lots of kids play this game anywhere they can find some open space, sometimes, even, without a net. You can find kids playing badminton on terraces, parking lots, as well as inside the house.

6. Motor skills

Badminton can help improve reflexes, coordination, as well as boost brain functions. The game is quite fast-paced, which requires players to be always alert while making quick decisions.

7. Memory

In general, most sports have a beneficial effect on memory and brain functions. While playing a regular game of badminton, kids are required to keep a running score in their head. In a time where many find it challenging remembering other people’s phone numbers, keeping numbers in your head can promote and develop one’s short-term memory.

8. Indoors and outdoors

Recreational badminton can be played indoors, as well as outdoors. Nonetheless, indoor courts are preferred as the wind and external factors can be better controlled.

9. Teamwork

Badminton can be an individual sport, as well as a team sport. Very often, children like to team up and play with others. This is great for building camaraderie and team spirit. When playing a doubles game of badminton, kids learn how to work in a team, to look out for their fellow mates, as well as, the skills of garnering the trust and cooperation of their partners.

10. Reduces stress and increase mental resilience

Playing badminton can help kids to decrease their stress levels by allowing them to relax and shift their focus away from stressful situations. It has been shown that playing sports at an early age provides kids with opportunities to develop their discipline, motivation, self-esteem, and confidence.

Besides, participating in sports can give kids a sense of relief, and, at the same time, develop their characters to face challenging and adverse situations.

11. Improves strategic thinking

In badminton, kids are encouraged to continually strategize to outsmart and, ultimately, defeat their opponent. As with most racquet sports, when playing badminton, players need to have an overall game strategy, as well as one for every point. As a result, kids can transfer and utilize this vital skill in their daily lives.

12. Hand-eye coordination

Constantly gauging the momentum and velocity of the shuttle, and then, hitting it with a racquet requires good hand-eye coordination. By practicing this sport, kids can develop this skill that can be useful in different aspects of life.

13. Increases fun and positivity

Playing sports, in general, can be quite enjoyable, especially for children. Sports can help kids to cope with stress by allowing them to release tensions through free movement and self-expression. Also, by participating in sports, children can release endorphins and dopamine (the feel-good hormones) and increase their sense of happiness and satisfaction.

Besides, playing sports like badminton gives kids a chance to break away from the routine and monotony of school.

14. Improves flexibility

To play badminton, players are required to have a certain degree of flexibility. Therefore, kids that play badminton are encouraged to develop their flexibility, which comes with many benefits like healthier muscles, as well as joints. Badminton is a sport where the whole body is used; it involves sprinting, leaping, and swinging, which requires coordination among many body parts and various muscles.

15. Family time

This sport can be played by people of all ages. From grandparents to kids, this game is enjoyable and safe to play. Combined with the low setup needs and minimal equipment requirement, makes it an excellent game for picnics, holidays, and family outings. The next time you want to bond better with your children try playing a game of badminton with them.

How to Get Your Kid Started on Badminton?

Well, this should not be a problem as most kids find badminton enjoyable. But, here are a few tips that can help you get them to start playing the game.

Get interested in the game

If you want your kids to get interested in the game, maybe, you should also start playing the game yourself. Therefore, you can start playing with them, and slowly their interest will catch on.

Find a good coach

Scout around for good coaching academies or individual instructors. This will ensure that your kids learn the game properly, including the correct form and technique. As a result, there’ll be a higher chance that your kids will fall in love with the game and continue to play it for many years to come.

Get the right gear

To play badminton, your kids will need the proper shoes, racquets, and shuttlecocks. Let’s discuss each one of these briefly.

  • Shoes – Good shoes are essential to ensure that your kids can move properly on the court and to reduce the chances of injuries. The pair of shoes should have sufficient padding to absorb the shocks, sturdy ankle support, as well as an excellent grip to avoid losing balance.
  • Racquets – Your kids should have a racquet that is easy to handle; not too heavy or big, so that they can maintain proper balance while playing.
  • Shuttlecock – At least one shuttlecock is needed to play the game. Keep in mind that some shuttles can get damaged easily, or will last less than others. Therefore, it’ll be convenient to buy a pack of shuttlecocks, so you can easily replace them.
  • Badminton court – While it is not always necessary to play in a badminton court, it would help to have access to one, as the court will be appropriately marked. Also, if your kids have access to an indoor court, they’ll be able to play a decent game without having to worry about windy weather.

At what age should your kid start playing badminton?

There is no specified age for starting to play badminton; everybody is different. However, a good time will be when your kid is comfortable with walking and, at the same time, swinging a small badminton racket.